Your First Step to Experiencing a Deeper Relationship with God and Others
Have someone meet you and show you around
We believe in the following Doctrine in accordance with the Baptist Faith and Message as the foundation of our faith:
Pastor Dennis Baskin
Wife: Suzie
Norma Green
Office Administrator/Treasurer
Our Church Council is made up of our Ministry Leaders listed below
Joanne Ebert
Secretary/Special Event/Outreach
Donna Holt
Children’s Ministry
Yvonne Brewer
Food Pantry
Janet Krause
Women’s Ministry
Russ Nicholas
Men’s Ministry
Chris Ebert
Support Group Minnistry
Bobby Holt
Bible Study
Jim Brohn
Facility Maintenance/Greeter’s
Jason Weatherby
Budget Team Leader
Erin Brohn
Kitchen/ Greeter’s
Take a Tour
Glory Bound Fellowship began as a dream between the Green and Baskin family over pie and ice cream at Denny’s. The cowboy church became a reality on January 7, 2007, meeting at the old Veterans Hall in Valley Springs for the first 5 years. The church purchased the current location in 2012 and was renovated with volunteer labor and donated funds for the next 2 years. The result turned an old delapidated building in to what we call “The Feed Barn” because this is where we feed on God’s word. The church body has witnessed God at work as He provided whatever was needed, whenever it was needed, to complete the church renovations . Come be a part of the Lord’s work as he is building His Kingdom through our little country church.